Monday, March 06, 2006

The treadmills of your mind

When at the gym it's best not to think too deeply about the possible inanity and/or futility of what you are doing, and the fact that you are doing it repeatedly, but instead to try to focus on the noble aim and/or dream which motivated you to go there in the first place.

I had an uncomfortable moment once when I was watching "Oz", a prison drama which, while otherwise excellent, has the slightly irritating conceit of having one of the characters narrate direct to camera the Big Life Events (this being a US drama) that occurred in the series. I was running on a treadmill, and the character began running on a treadmill, while talking about how we are all going nowhere on our own treadmill, as I ran along going, er, nowhere on a treadmill.

Quick! Switch over to BBC World before it all becomes too existential!

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