Sunday, April 02, 2006

Oh-dear-o, oh-dear-o

Me got no willpower in me. I don't have a husband so I can't write about him. I just ate two M&S chocolate mousses. Okay, so they were "only" 80 cals each, but now I feel like a big bloater. I weigh 12 stone 3lb - nearly 78 kilos - fully clothed except for shoes. At the beginning of March, I set out to lose weight assuming that I weighed no more than 12 stone. Now, one month later, I find that I weigh more than 12 stone. As Fatfighter1 has pointed out, perhaps I started off at far more than 12 stone. But get this, my trousers and skirts aren't fitting as well as one month ago. Could it all be muscle? I doubt it somehow.

Why do all the yummy things in life seem to come with an unhealthy price tag? My line manager lost loads of weight by calorie counting and using a pedometer. She didn't eat any of the office birthday cakes and chocolates for a whole year. Although I don't agree with total abstinence from anything, maybe cold turkey is the only way to do it.

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