Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Modern suction

Interesting article in today's Guardian about the rise of liposuction. It truly sounds like an absolutely horrific procedure, not to say somewhat pointless, and your body takes months to recover: yet nearly 30,000 people, 92% of them women, have undergone the procedure in the last year.


Claire said...

Yeech, not for me that one. I still want to get botox one day though. It's those lines on my forehead that no one else seems to be able to see. Some days they look like the Grand Canyon.

And, on a slightly related subject, I'm thinking of retraining as a make-up artist, which is what I wanted to be when I was 12 or 13. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Lipo - not fo rme either. But I will get my boobs lifted and tilted if I ever lose all my weight.

And FF2 - get it done. There's a lot of chat about changing lives around here at the moment. Never too late.

LottieP said...

My brother-in-law, who's 34, is giving up everything (which is not much, to be fair: he works part time as a tennis coach and is supported entirely by his wife) to retrain as a hairdresser with Tony & Guy.

If he can do it, anyone can!

LottieP said...

PS there's a clue somewhere in your comment, FF2 - those lines that "no one else seems to be able to see".

LottieP said...

PS again - FF4 - not if, when!

Unknown said...

on the botox front, a friend of mine who's a plastic surgeon is going to have it done, so i see that as a great thumbs up (apparently perfectly safe, the treatment's been used for CP patients for years).

and as for lippo - it's exactly as Naomi Wolf predicted abotu 10 years ago - all the awful and unrealistic pressures on women's body shape will eventually be passed on to the guys too...

Finally, re career changes - yes definitely. Feel the fear and do it anyway. connecting with your hopes and dreams and having the courage to make them happen is the way to create meaning in your life (cue shameles book plug: http://www.amazon.co.uk/o/ASIN/1861978839/ref=s9_asin_image_1/026-9957199-1114808 )

Claire said...

FF4, what exactly does getting your boobs tilted involve?!