Monday, February 05, 2007

Want to lose 2kg in 3 days????????

No - it's not McKeith. No - it's not cabbage soup and nothing else. Not even wall to wall step classes.

I highly recommend food poisoning. OK, the side effects are fairly extreme, and heaven knows you're not much fun to be with for a couple of days - but what price being slim I ask you??


Anonymous said...

I know where you're coming from FF5. I lost 7lbs at Christmas through a violent flu bug which came upon me on Christmas day and actually meant that I didn't eat or drink anything at all on boxing day. I could not even face water to take painkillers with. Of course, it's all back on...

Unknown said...

yes nasty. it's when water becomes impossible that you know you've got a real humdinger...

LottieP said...

From personal, and recent, experience, I can also recommend making a major screw-up at work - why, you can lose your appetite in seconds!