Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Promises promises

Day 1 was meant to be the first day of recess. Ha. Anyway, today I have started. I am making no promises because people never believe my promises to myself because I never keep them, so fair enough.

I have registered with this website Weight Loss Resources and I encourage my fellow fatfighters to have a look at it. Basic calorie-counting, but there are many little tools and tricks, such as the wee pie chart that you can click on that shows you the proportions of fat, carb, protein in what you've et. Fascinating, I hear you cry. Well, yes, but it has fairly opened my eyes to what a fatty diet I was on without realising it!

And on the exercise side? Well, I have also just found this site mapmyrun. No, I don't intend to run anywheres (not yet anyhoo), but have a look at it - it's got a wee facility thingie that will tell you what you've done and how many cals you've used doing it. I intend to walk.

Last night's exercise was bringing my abdomeniser thingie down from off the top of the wardrobe. It needs dusted, which will be tonight's exercise. Harley Cat is most distressed because he's been using it as a bed for the past 18 months. I shall post a pic of him with it as soon as I can get him to sit still long enough...

On another subject, has any of my fellow fatfighters had any experience of Tae Bo?

PS Again: Has anyone else noticed how the blogger spellcheck wants to change "fatfighters" to "beautification"?


LottieP said...

Yes! And it's no coincidence surely, as beautification is what we're after.

I did Tae Bo a few years ago. I have a few videos of it. Without exaggerating I can credit Tae Bo, or more particularly Billy Blanks, with kick(box) starting the very beginnings of my exercise habit. Whihc is unequivocally a Good Thing. Why, i think Billy even deserves a post of his own, so watch this space!

Claire said...

I took one look at the Weight Loss Resources website and thought "Mammy!" Far too complicated looking for me. Map My Run on the other hand...yessir. I love anything that involves a map. This I shall definitely use.