Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I LOVE the internet. You can do anything on the internet. I give you (tada) My Virtual Model.

And I give you me as I am now (although I have a feeling that the simulators only go up to a certain weight, so it's approximate). Note the short hair! In fact, it's quite spookily like me...

And me as I will be this time next year. Probably.


Can't wait.

Addendum: My Tae Bo DVD arrived yesterday. I watched the introductory steps bit with a fag in one hand and kedgeree in the other. I will be very pleased with myself if I can get to the end of the warm-up without crying...

1 comment:

LottieP said...

Well done, I am delighted you have opted for Tae Bo, it's great. Definitely worth persevering with. Good luck! Report back on your progress and expect 100% support form your fellow Fatfighters.