Friday, June 09, 2006

Dire rear and other infernal affairs

Have been off work for past couple of days with pains and gurglings and other, more unmentionable gastric symptoms. Not nice. You know the sketch in Little Britain, in which two Church of England "worthies" visit their local church fete and sample some biscuits made by Mrs Patel (and variations on that theme)? That was how it all started. Quite comical on reflection.

But hey, I'm less than 12 stone now, so something good has come out of it.

I am joking of course. Not about the weight but about the implication that having a stomach bug is a good way of losing weight. It is a way of losing weight though.


LottieP said...

I was going to ask you to expand on the Little Britain analogy, but then decided it would be prudent not to. At least tell us what you ate to set you off?

Claire said...

I don't think it was a specific food, although the last thing I ate was two (yes, two) lo-cal meals. For some reason the idea of such meals holds less appeal than before.

No, I think it's your standard tummy bug, perhaps picked up from wiping little bottoms. Best leave it there.