Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fatfighter2: my goals

Overall goal:

To lose 7lb (3.17kg) a month for five months, from 1 March to 31 July, bringing my weight to approximately 9 stone 7lb (60.33kg)


1. Exercise for at least 40 minutes/day, at least five days/week
2. No refined carbs (white flour, rice and pasta; sugar)
3. No carbs after 5pm
4. No alcohol during week (Friday and Saturday nights only)
5. Maximum of 14 units per week
6. Minimum of 1.5 litres water/day
7. Eight hours sleep a night


1. Not drinking during the week
2. Avoiding white bread at lunchtime
3. Getting to bed by 10pm when I've got to get up at 6


Short term-Magazines; long hot baths; organic food
End of each month-Facial/manicure/pedicure; champagne; DVD/CD
End of five months-NEW CLOTHES especially jeans, dresses and skirts

1 comment:

LottieP said...

Hooray! We're in this together!