Wednesday, October 11, 2006

French impression

Not content with stopping drinking, I have turned to the French for inspiration in my quest for A Flat Stomach™. The French - allegedly, and I have little trouble believing this generally to be true - have a far less complicated relationship to food than, say, the British or Americans. To them, it is less a fuel than a cause for celebration, or ritual even. Inspired by the first couple of chapters I've read of Mireille Guiliano's French Women Don't Get Fat, I went to John Lewis today and bought a tablecloth, napkins and placemats. She recommends eating without any distractions, such as music, telly or newspapers. This is going to be challenging for me, because I never eat without one or more of those. Her approach to food is that it is there for pleasure and nothing is off limits. The problem, she says, is that we eat mindlessly, and are therefore inclined to stuff our faces beyond the point of satisfying hunger. We need to "recast" our relationship with food, so that we eat mindfully, and from a greater variety of foods. First, though, she suggests keeping a food diary for three weeks, noting what, when and where food is consumed. I started mine at the weekend, and will post again on progress when the three weeks is up. Vive la bagatelle!

Jumbo Jetsetter

There's something about being cooped up in a metal tube at 40, 000 feet that takes all normal restraint away, don't you think?

I'm recently back from a business trip and it's frankly all gone to pot. I expected that being back home for 4 days would can any diet/exercise plans and so was not too fussed about this. What I wasn't prepared for was getting back home on Saturday to find that my flat had been occupied whilst I was away.

Reader, I freaked. I found a note on my table from someone I didn't know, thanking me for the loan. My stuff had been moved around, wine drunk and flat generally used. I did the only thing I could think of, and phoned all the friends I knew. Before long, one was round with a restorative bottle of wine....

Now, turns out, through piecing together various bits of info, that what had happened here was the ex (see previous post) had had a friend in town who needed somewhere to stay, and was sure that he'd let me know about it (despite no email received, much less replied to by me). Although contrite about this I'm not sure what to believe. Anyway - back to the dieting stuff, problem was that next day I had to be at the same social as him, and in order to avoid having a stand up scene, decided to get gently pissed and avoid him. Simple, immature yet surprisingly effective. But, as we all know, a calorific disaster of immense proportions......

So now, it's back to the Allen Carr book, back to some sort of exercise regime, and back to trying to cut that horrible link between emotion and food.....